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Clubs & Activities

Contact the Main Office for information to join a club or register for an activity.

Meridian Elementary
Very Important Kids (Before and After School) Icon
Gilbert Youth Athletics icon
Enrichment Programs icon
Battle of the Books (grades 5-6)

Hosted by Mrs. Aisen. Battle of the books teams read books and ‘battle’ to earn points. The team with the most points will go on to represent Meridian at the district this spring. Contact Mrs. Aisen for more information.

Choir (grades 3-6)

Meridian Choir Club is open to grades 3-6. Choir meets in the Project Room after school once per week to practice, and puts on multiple extra curricular performances for the community throughout the school year. For more information, please email Mrs. Birch at

Creative Kids Club (Grades 4-5)

Creative Kids Club (4th-5th Grade)

This club meets monthly after school. We will get creative doing arts and crafts. 

Contact Ms Brandl for more information. 

Kinder STEM Club

Kindergarten students enrolled in STEM club will complete monthly projects that are aligned to the Kindergarten curriculum. Sign up is held in August each year.

Millionaire Club

Students earn Millionaire status by reading and completing quizzes in the AR program.

Reading RockstARs (grades 2-6)

Second grade will be hosting the Reading RockstARs club the first and third Wednesdays of the month beginning on November 6th from 7:30-7:55 in room 111. All second through sixth grade students are invited to come and work on achieving their AR goal before school.  Students must bring their login information and library books in order to test.  

SHO Club (grades 5-6) Students Helping Others

This club is hosted by our SPICE II teachers- Mrs. Noel, Mrs. Kelsey, Mr. R, Ms. Jonovich, and Mrs. Puskar. We meet every other month after school.  This club integrates Special Education students with General Education students to create a positive and inclusive environment.  During intervention time every other week, 5th and 6th grade students go into the younger classrooms to assist our SPICE II kids (and other students as well). They help with skills such as staying on task, listening, reading, writing, peer interactions, working in a group, etc. 

Storytime Club (grades K-3)

This club meets on the first Tuesday of every month, from 7:30-7:45 am, in Ms. Smith's classroom, Room 204.  During every meeting, students will listen to stories being read by a 1st grade teacher, or even a mystery reader, and discuss the story elements of the book!  By listening to these stories, students will improve their reading prosody and comprehension skills.  At 7:45 am, students will then go to morning recess (or breakfast in the cafeteria). 

If you would like to join this club please fill out the following form for each student you are signing up.

Student Council (grades 3-6)

Elections for upcoming 6th grade officers will be held in May.  Council will meet before school once a month.